Just received a call from surgeon Dr. Allen. He said after reviewing the CD scans with the radiologist that this lesion CAN be ablated....they feel that this maybe the same one that was ablated the first time. This is why in the last conversation with Dr. Allen that he suggested NOT doing the ablation...but if this was originally ablated he feels that this will do it's job and kill it completely.
Ablation would be done as an overnight stay - just to make sure there were no problems.
I also asked that I am not going to do any more chemo and if they can also take out the port-a-cath...he said 'most likely, yes, but it would be done the following day' which is usually done as an outpatient anyway.
He will let me know, after conferring with his colleagues, when this will take place...most likely within the next month.
This is very good news. I had originally wanted this ablation rather than full surgery....
Other than all that - I'm feeling really good!