Today Paul and I went into the city to have my pre-admission testing done.
We left home at 8:30 am to go to Secaucus train station (hit a little traffic but not all that bad). We arrived at 160 E 53rd Street (Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) at 10:15 am and literally had to walk (outside) a few feet.
I'm beginning to know my way around...but there is absolutely NO WAY that I'd do it alone!!!
My appointment was scheduled for 10:45 but I only waited about 5 minutes.
Had blood drawn, and a regular physical, blood pressure check and then an EKG and finally a chest x-ray. This took less than one (1) hour. In and out! The best way to go!!!
We came home right after but stopped at a few store in NJ...we got in our door about 2:30.
Charlie has a bad cold...we can't remember the last time he was sick! He felt so bad that he took yesterday and today off from work. Of course this is the worst possible time for him to get sick -- I can't catch his cold!!!! If I do, I may end up missing my surgery date!!! I just keep washing my hands!