Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17th

I think I spoke too soon! The lighting must have been really bad yesterday!!! I noticed that there were still 'plenty' of hairs in the tub drain when I was ready to take my shower this morning! and still hairs on my pillow case....Oh well....

I know women that loose their hair to chemo - loose it all at one time...this dribs and drabs is the 'killer'!!

BUT, I'm sure 'new' hair will begin I said - I do have hair growing on my upper lip!!! and a few on my eyebrows.....

Sorry for complaining!

I felt so good - about the hair loss thing yesterday - that I baked brownies, made chicken noodle soup, made Charlie turkey wings in the crock pot and made myself pork chops with homemade stuffing.....NOW, I get to eat the brownies!!!! comfort food!!! weight gain!!!! all that good stuff!